In the days and weeks after an accident, you will likely receive several phone calls from an insurance adjuster regarding your claim. While the adjuster may be friendly and appear to be on your side, their primary objective is to protect the profits of the insurance company. A common tactic with insurance adjusters is to offer a quick settlement to resolve your claim as soon as possible.

The first settlement offer is often for a small amount and not the true value of your claim. The adjusters hope that you will accept a quick settlement because you need the money. This allows the insurance companies to save money and close out your claim. Before accepting a settlement offer and signing a release, it is important to consider what is in your best interest and whether you will need medical treatment or may miss time from work.

After a car accident, you can recover compensation for your medical bills and property damage from the liable driver and their insurance company. Typically, the full extent of your injuries is not known immediately after an accident and a quick settlement can prevent you from being fairly compensated. Once you sign a release and accept their offer, the insurance company is only obligated to pay the amount agreed to in the release. If your injuries require more treatment than initially expected, and you signed a release with the insurance company, you cannot go back to the negotiating table and ask for more money.

As an attorney, we often receive calls from people who accepted these quick settlements and signed a release with the insurance company, only to find out their medical costs are far more expensive, and the settlement does not cover the full amount. Once you sign the release with the insurance company, you are on your own to pay for any further treatment you may require.

Speak to an attorney before you accept any settlement offer. An attorney can advise you if you deserve more money and help you compile a strong case to recover what you deserve. It is 100% free to call our office and discuss your case.

Initial consultations with Burch Law Firm are free. Whether you have a personal injury claim, a workers’ compensation claim, or even a wills and estate issue, we are here to help you. If your legal needs are not something we can handle, we will refer you to someone who can.